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  • Writer's pictureCarol Ann Guarino

Chartreuse Misuse?

I can imagine the look of horror on my grandmother's face, and yet.....

My daughter inherited one of the many heirlooms passed through the family and immediately put it to good use...only with her own design twist...she painted it chartreuse!

I'll admit, it took me a minute to exhale when I first saw it. You couldn't help but see it! It certainly stood out in her dining room but somehow, it was DIVINE! She has always had a very unique style; fun, funky, energetic and charismatic. Her house was her and it fit.

Now there are those that plow through decorating sites, collect magazine after magazine, pin after pin and then modify their decorating style like Lady GaGa's wardrobe changes. And there are those that surround themselves with things that make them happy. Splashes of color that brighten their mood, priceless artwork (composed by their kids), beloved collections acquired over lifetimes.

So before you start redoing your home in the new traditional mid-century shabby art-deco style, figure out what speaks to you. Think of what brings you joy and let your personality shine...even if it is chartreuse!

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